Wednesday 13 October 2010

New Party time Work

Since for the date stamp you all (or myself re-reading) can see I haven't updated in a while - I can't help it stress consumes me and I lose the ability to write coherently!

Basically since mid September I started evening shifts at my local vet, random huh?

It's rare to get a part time job which is so bitesize, literally 3 hours every day minus weekends. Pay ain't great but what can I say I need all the money I can get...

Actually my HTC school friend Caz recommended me, they needed someone quickly and reliable - I already had an advantage coz I lived down the road. After the interview I was scheduled to do training the following week then me and Caz went on holiday to Plymouth - her and Sam had split - bottom line was he had issues but moreover he was a twat - cheating is not cool nor in pretending to be suicidal - that's just blasphemous ! He's sooo going to hell for that one.

So I took Spam's (did you see what I did there with the word play :p) place, joined Caz's Northampton buddies (Chris & Kirsty) for a wildlife adventure; otter/Butterfly sanctuary, Monkey Sanctuary, Sheep world & my fav Buckfast Abbey - no animals there just fun loving monks getting the public drunk and troubling making!

So back to the vet - i'm the skivvy for the moment but one of the more arrogant nurses there let me do the cashing up today which I feel I did well - apparently everyone says the cashing up has been stop on for the last few weeks (go me, go me, go me) but I should be focusing on cleaning - it ain't going to be cleaning that hold me back in the future - not knowing the medication or vaccinations dates/prices will be...I was almost abandoned on Monday to close up by myself - i don't even have keys so it was a bit daunting...I think the pressure of more than 3 customers turning up at once to pay then the phone ringing at the same time is what puts me in a state of panic, I just need to take a deep breathe and deal with the clients first, phone second.

After today's shift Caz, Sherry & Lucy were doing there first ever Puppy Party, I decided I neither knew much or cared (sorry I'm a cat person) so I went to have dinner with Jacky - she owed me dinner for two references for the HarrisHospise charity.

Saturday 2 October 2010

Interview at a Veterinary Surgery?!

My my, how the plot has thickened since my last blog.

After much head bashing with my 'ex' boss, he has finally accepted my resignation, lol and this was only because I refused to work (on my own) in his flat (ewwwwwww) on his just about working PC's. It didn't help that when he went to meetings I would locked in, if it isn't already unnerving to work at your bosses flat but to be locked in? He then added to that argument:

Boss: 'Oh my mum's going to move back in with me so you'll be able to leave for lunch breaks when I'm not around.'

Yep that makes me feel better, deal with two crazies...and I totally have the ratification to call him that after the last run in we had where he insulted me in front of the marketing/IT guy (his uni friend too) and well let's just say if Jnr wasn't there I may be worse for ware physically rather than mentally.

I was then working for the website from home...luckily my PC died and I told him unless he buys me a new PC I can't work for him any-more and I can't magic a new one from his lack of wages.

No sooner had I 'officially' left Caz contacted me, she worked at a vet near me and they were understaffed due to the night receptionist retiring and the manager not taking her resignation seriously (as you do ;) and well I went to a really informal interview today.

I walked in all suited and booted, the woman hadn't even read my CV, couldn't figure out how to print it, 30mins later she had to go and offered me the job and told me:

Manager: 'You need to do what you need to do to help, whether it's dealing with customers, holding animals, cleaning! See you Mon for training!'
Me: 'Erm...ok!'

SO Magazine co ordinator/PA to Vet nurse, this is swerve in my career least it'll support me till I find something relevant to my life!