We have featured Suikoden Revival Movement before, petitioning to Konami to release the PSP versions of Suikoden outside of Japan, and a year on still causing an uproar. They have recently announced the next phase of our campaign, OBM. Here's their promotional video about it: www.youtube.com/watch
The aim of OBM is to target Konami Japan's Headquarters with a mass mail in campaign in the hope that KCEJ will see just how much love and demand there still is for the Suikoden series. OBM hopes to show Konami Japan how important the Suikoden series still is and how much demand there is for the Suikoden series within the modern gaming market. From December 10-12 2013, fans from around the world are invited to send Konami Japan letters, fanart, cosplay pictures, sculptures and CD arrangements; anything creative that is sure to catch Konami's eye. A mass mail in campaign, on these set days is sure to make an impact and not go unnoticed at Konami Japan.
"Our main aim here is to revive the Genso Suikoden series. We aim to prove that the Suikoden fan base is still large enough, and passionate enough, for Konami not to give up on. An already peculiar and modest series, Genso Suikoden's popularity has waned in recent years. With rumours that Konami's 'Suikoden team had been disbanded', or that the whole Genso Suikoden series had been abandoned entirely, it was a surprise to many of us when Konami announced Genso Suikoden Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki at Tokyo Game Show 2011. But is this 'new direction' really what is best for the series?
While we are grateful that the Genso Suikoden series is, in fact, not dead - we aim to show Konami that it would be more profitable, and to the benefit of us all, if they continued the Suikoden series based in the same world and timeline originaly set out by Yoshitaka Murayama and in the main games I-V.
It is no secret that Konami has mishandled this series that held so much promise. But instead of telling Konami where they went wrong, we aim to work with Konami to revive the older games and the Suikoden franchise as a whole."

Here is a rough check list of what we they to achieve and what you can expect them to be pushing for in the coming months:
- Suikoden I and II on PSN and digital distribution worldwide
- Currently, only the North American version of the PSN has Suikoden I, while the European or PAL region lacks this title, as well as the Indian PSN. None of these PSN regional stores carry Suikoden II. Further digital distribution should include iOS, Android, Steam and XBLA.
- Suikoden III-V on PSN and digital distribution worldwide
- Currently, there are not too many PS2 games on the PSN. Therefore, we feel getting the PS2 Suikoden games on PSN as quickly as possible would be a great way to promote the games and give the series more exposure. It would also mean that European fans can purchase Suikoden III legally, which I'm sure both ourselves and Konami would prefer. Further digital distribution should include Steam and XBLA.
- Localise Genso Suikoden Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki outside of Japan
- Localise the Suikoden Manga/novels outside of Japan
- To lobby Konami for greater and more wide-spread advertising of the Suikoden series.
- For Konami to distribute various Suikoden merchandise outside of Japan, such as: soundtracks, guides and art books.
- For Konami to launch an official, English language Suikoden Facebook fan page
- Of course, the main goal I'm sure we all want to see here is a main title Suikoden, i.e. Suikoden VI. However, we feel it is more beneficial to revive and promote the older games of the series before we help Konami push for a brand new main title Suikoden.

"With each point from the check list that is achieved, I urge that we will all do our upmost to promote and advertise the achievement - and Suikoden as a whole.
Together we can make a difference. Together we can bring back Suikoden. And, together, we can give Suikoden the success that it truly deserves."
Konami Europe has announced on 22/01/15 that Suikoden I & II will be available on EU PSN on 4th Feb 2015. Congratulation to all the supporters!