Last weekend saw the 6th annual
Animekon, the self-proclaimed largest convention in the Caribbean. My friend Damian decided to go along and report on the event. Thousands of
attendees, hundreds of cosplayers and… not much to do.
"Perhaps I’m a little
harsh there were numerous gaming tournaments and several booths with everything
you’d expect at a con: food, comics, merch but to say you could see everything
on offer in less than half an hour wouldn’t be a stretch.
Also game companies
don’t even see the Caribbean as a region, something local gamers know only too
well, so don’t expect to see Sony, Microsoft, et al. in attendance showing off
upcoming releases. The only gaming available will be past
releases you’ll have to pay up front for the privilege of playing.

Animekon does have some quirks that sets it
apart from other conventions I’ve been to. Perhaps the Karaoke competition
isn’t that odd but the annual Kamameha competition must be unique. This year
there was also a ramen eating competition as well as a push -up competition of
all things. Seeing a group of guys, some in cosplay, doing choreographed
push-ups is quite a sight.
The cosplay tournament was also captivating.
Barbados being a small island, it’s difficult to acquire some of the materials
that are ubiquitous in cosplay in developed countries like worbla, but that
doesn’t stop people from getting creative with fabric and cardboard and
whatever else they can lay their hands on.
So all in all Animekon was a good way to
spend a weekend I would’ve otherwise been home doing nothing."
For a native this isn't much compared to the London Con's he has attended but for me I can't wait to hit the warmth of the sun and different panels and talks by the top guests.
For more photos from the event go here.
^_^ Aisha Anime
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