Though I was perplexed as to why Nicole Scherzinger from Pussycat Dollz was in the movie for best of 5 minutes and why was just delicious cake wasted? Do not be deceived by the voice of the villain of this movie Boris the animal who is played by Jemaine Clement and not Tim Curry :p

Also the D-box is now ready to use at Cineworld so for an extra 4 quid you can watch your movies whilst vibrating :s

Agent J: The world is under destruction and you wanna get pie? Your right let's stop following clues and doing police work and do something stupid. Come on let's get some dumb ass pie K!
Agent J: Okay. You know how you're on an
airplane and
the flight attendant asks you to turn your cell phone off, and you're
like; I ain't turnin' my cell phone off, that's doin' no harm to the
damn airplane?
[pointing to the saucer crash behind him]
Agent J: Well, this is what we get. That's what happens, it gets up there, bounces around on the satellite, and bam! Just turn your damn cell phone off. Now you're gonna drop off a cliff cause your GPS don't work.
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cutest monster ever :D |
Agent J: Seriously, I'm not even sure that's meat! I think I just saw a tooth in that thing, or a claw, a hoof.
[K takes buys a kebab from the kebab vendor and walks off]
Agent J: That does not belong in a pita, it belongs in a casket.
Agent K: You know, it feels good to eat in silence.
Agent J: But see, here's the problem. You can't smell it, because your nose already smells like that, where my nose doesn't.
Agent K: Silence feels good with a lot of things. Did you ever try it, or is talking the way you breath?
Agent J: If you hate me, you should just say you hate me. Don't take it out on the car.
Agent K: You know, I'm enjoying this.
Agent J: Wow! Enjoyment. So, that's what enjoyment looks like on that face. I like that emotion.
Agent K: Let's keep emotion out of it.
Agent J: Out of what, K? Life?
[he pauses for a moment]
Agent K: Thank you.
[K walks off and comes to stand next to J, who looks amazed at K's short eulogy]
Mannix: And now we will hear from our new chief, Agent O.
Agent O: Thank you, Agent K. That was very moving.
[J turns to K as he stands next to him]
Agent J: That was your eulogy?
Agent K: He was a good man.
Agent J: Ooh, man! These look like they come from the planet damn.
[K and J are sat at a table the Chinese restaurant with the intestinal worm problem]
Agent J: That was just mean, what you did to Hula back there. That's just disrespectful.
Agent K: I used to play a game with my dad, what would you have for your last meal. We could do worse than this.
Agent J: Oh. Okay. Um...I used to play a game with my dad called catch. Except I would throw the ball and it would just hit the wall, cause he wasn't there.
Agent K: Do you know the most destructive force in the universe?
Agent J: Sugar?
Agent K: Regret.
1969 NYPD Cop #1: Where did you get the car?
1969 NYPD Cop #2: And the suit?
Agent J: I stole them, both. Uh...car from your wife, the suit from your grandmother.
Agent J: That gentlemen is a standard issue Neuralizer, but you're not gonna remember that. And just because you see a black man driving in a nice car, does not mean he stole it.
[J pauses for a moment before admitting]
Agent J: I stole that one. But not cause I'm black!
Boris' Girlfriend: It's a cake.
Prison Guard #2: I'll be the judge of that
Prison Guard #2: It appears to be some sort of cake.
Young Agent K: You have to trust the pie.
Little Chocolate Milk Girl: Mommy, the president is drinking my milk...and he didn't say please.
Griffin: First we gotta get high.
J: My man, for real?
Griffin: No, real HIGH.