Friday 30 January 2015

Otaku Themed Food

So Japan has all these themed cafes but is the fanbase worth the money, let's look at the best looking food and see if the taste and presentation is worth us going.

I personally went to the Gundam cafe and I never saw this... In all my life if I were presented a Gundam ship constructed dinner I would have rated this top. But since this was not available at I will have to query where this photo was taken. Looks a bit plain and possibly cold. Everything at the cafe was priced over 500 yen


I love my desserts and cats so this doriaki made me squeal with joy with a pertruding kitteh trying to escape her pending doom. This looks yummy and a piece of art. It's hard to enjoy food in a hairy environment though....cats and all.


This particular moomin dessert is christmas themed and looks lush. The food is as fresh as in this photo and the prices from when I visited Sky tree ranged from 330yen for a moomin art coffee to 1000yen for hot food. The art is done to perfection and you get a fluffy friend to keep you company on the table.


Loving the simple ketchup drawing of the iconic cat warriors/feylynes from Monster Hunter - especially witht he release of Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate soon :D

the omlette itself looks mysterious, wonder if the filling lived up to expectation.
Last but not least a Pikachu curry for the pop up Pokemon X/Y shop in Shibuya, enjoy munch on Pikachu's face as the mascot runs around the cafe. Impressed with the colouring even more so that the shaping of the rice.

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